2016 Things

  1. Stop freaking out.
  2. Be relentless in my pursuit of doing good.
  3. Buy a dozen eclairs once a month.
  4. Learn how to feed myself.
    1. This includes knowing how to feed myself when I’m overwhelmed and want to do nothing but hide in my bed.
  5. Try a new recipe each week from one of my magazines.
  6. Soak up all the sunshine.
  7. Make endless lists.
  8. Finish all the projects.
    1. Work with what I have before buying things to finish the 
  9. Don’t start new projects until the old projects are finished.
  10. Stop buying things.
  11. Settle into my house.
  12. Eat more cake. With sprinkles.
    1. It is not possible to own too many sprinkles.
  13. Spend more time reading magazines at the library.
  14. Go nowhere.
    1. A winter trip in pursuit of sunshine doesn’t count.
    2. Neither does a week spent in Park City.
  15. Remember what I’m trying to become.
  16. Go to bed when I’m grumpy.
  17. Eat more vegetables.
  18. Play real songs on the piano.
    1. Don’t be such a scrooge that I don’t take lessons. It’s worth it.
  19. Find an agent.
  20. Finish filling my journal.
    1. Fill up another journal.
  21. Things I love take precedence over things I like.
  22. Think of Sunday as the first day of the week.
    1. Monday comes in second.
  23. Acquire a fourth bookshelf.
  24. Send more things through snail mail.
  25. Waste no food.
  26. Make friends with the old ladies at knitting night.
  27. If I want it, get it.
  28. Make time for the people that matter.
  29. Squench babies at least once a week.
    1. Spread the love around all the families.
  30. Do not acquire any more nail polish.
    1. Or chapstick.
    2. Or shoes.
  31. Find something magical about every day.
    1. Be grateful every day.
    2. Love life every day.
  32. Perfect verbal and quantitative score on the GRE.
  33. Become a sandwich bread, super fabulous baker.
  34. Let go.
  35. Encourage and build up myself as much as I encourage and build up others.
  36. Listen to other people.
    1. Stop interrupting just because you’ve thought of something related.
  37. If I don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
    1. Even if it’s funny.
  38. Let the frustration go.
  39. Patience is a virtue I don’t have. Exercise it like a muscle.
  40. It’s okay to like things because they are pretty.
  41. Go on lunch dates with grandma.
  42. Don’t stress about what I want to be.
  43. Celebrate what I’ve become.
  44. Plan meals.
  45. Learn to get up earlier than nine. 
    1. I did it basically my whole life. I believe I can do it again.
  46. Believe in my ability to do worthwhile things.
  47. Tell people I love them. All the time.
  48. Don’t push myself until I break.
  49. It’s okay to skip things because I don’t have enough neurotransmitters.
    1. No one else knows what I’m capable of and what is beyond my ability.
  50. Never stop striving.