The End of Summer

There’s something sad in the end of summer.

I am not mourning the end of my favorite season. As a child it was not the return to school that saddened me.

Rather, in summer we come close to a lost way of living.

Summer days are filled with sweetness. There are always things to do and new games to discover. Summer invites a carefree feeling even as we continue to grow and learn and change.

I wish I could take the feel of summer with me into the crunchy fall and the chilly winter. The seasons change and life becomes a drudgery of sorts. Things that don’t matter all that much suddenly matter a great deal. There’s no time for daydreaming or adventuring.

And so I mourn the end of summer. The shortening days and cooling temperatures. The increased desire for productivity.

Someday, the magic of summer will enshroud me like a magic cloak, trailing bits of joyful freedom behind me no matter the season.

The end of summer will be no end at all.