How To Change Your Life Forever

Raspberry Bread Pudding

  • 1 1/2 loaves white bread, aged

Tear bread into 1 1/2 inch chunks. Set aside in large bowl.

  • 1 quart half & half
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla

In a medium bowl, whisk together the half & half, sugar, egg, and vanilla. Continue stirring until sugar is dissolved.

Pour half & half mixture over bread. Stir gently to coat all bread chunks. Let stand for half an hour stirring every 5 minutes.

  • 5 cups raspberries
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup apple juice

In a medium mixing bowl (I rinse out and use the same bowl from the last conglomeration), gently stir together the raspberries, sugar, and apple juice until the sugar is dissolved.

Fill a 9×13 baking dish half full with the bread mixture. Spread the raspberry deliciousness over the bread. Top with the rest of the bread mixture.

Bake 40 minutes in a 375° oven.

Vanilla Cream Sauce

  • 1 1/3 cups butter
  • 5 tbsp flour

Melt butter in medium saucepan. Stir in flour. Cook over low heat until it starts to smell a little nutty. Do not cook long enough for butter to brown.

  • ½ salt
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 2/3 cups sugar

Add salt, cream, and sugar. Stir continually until mixture thickens to a nice saucy thickness. (This is personal preference. Some people like their sauce thin and runny. I like my sauce thick enough that it stays where I put it.) Remove sauce from heat.

    • 2 tsp vanilla

    Stir in vanilla.