A New York Adventure

I’ve been in upstate New York for two and a half weeks.

I’m going to be here one week more.

I’ve learned a lot while being here.

Things like, I can drive a minivan like a champ. Or rather, like a soccer mom.

And I can get a tantrum throwing child out of the closet with laughs and smiles.

And I can make a pouty child throw a full-blown, crying in the bathroom for 20 minutes tantrum with barely a word.

And I still try to hard to make things happen for other people when they tell me they are important even though they don’t act like they are important which means they probably aren’t that important.

But mostly what I’ve learned is that life is crazy and unexpected in both good ways and bad and if I try too hard to hold onto it I’ll miss all the good parts and most of the bad and I’ll give myself a blazing headache.