Unbeknownst to me, I did buckets reading this month. I didn’t realize until I tried to list all books I read and had to appeal to goodreads for a complete list. My absolute favorite read of the month was A Tangle of Knots. I also thoroughly enjoyed The School for Good and Evil, The Planets, […]
Category: Books
2013 National Book Award Nominees
Here are the National Book Award Nominees for 2013. Have any of y’all read any of them? Thoughts?
2012 in Books
Why Run?
I’m reading this book. It wasn’t on my currently reading list, but it was sitting on my bookshelf and it’s from the library, so I’m reading it. Amby Burfoot, the author, is an editor of Runner’s World Magazine. It’s obvious from the way this book is put together that she is quite adept at the […]
Book 17
Dearest Cherilee, Thank you, thank you, thank you for this book. How did you know I’ve been looking at it since it first hit B&N’s New Releases shelf. (Not gonna lie, I think I was mostly attracted by the fabulous cover. How could I not be? Look at those beautiful books!) The story was fabulous. […]
Book 16
Loved. I love each book by Sarah Addison Allen more than the last. I can’t wait to read this one. I find her writing whimsical but very real. And her books are full of the everyday magic I see all around me.
Books 13-15
Like. I’m not into war books, but I enjoyed this one. Okay. A little strange. Points for creativity. This author’s style is not one that I particularly enjoy. For me, there was no emotional connection to the characters. Not my fave.
Book 12
Interesting read. I saw a lot of my own high school experience and the things I thought about it in this book. Her explanations for why things are they way they are made sense. Sad, though. Sad that is the way it is for so many people. They deserve better than this. All of them […]
Books 6-11
Don’t worry, I am fully aware that I am months behind. Not gonna lie, I have never done so little reading in my life. I am heartily ashamed.
Books 3-5
2 – 5/200 OR 1/40 complete