Setting: Dentist’s office When the scene opens Ma is sitting on a brown leather couch cleaning out her purse. Door between waiting area and back offices opens. Dental Hygienist: Miss Ma? Ma: I have a confession to make. Dental Hygienist: Oh? Ma: I never floss. Dental Hygienist: You never floss? Ma: Never. Dental Hygienist: Well. […]
Category: Family
Wrong Number
My koko (pronounced goo-coo), aka grandmother, is in the hospital. They’re struggling to discover just what is wrong with her. She hasn’t felt well for a while. She is definitely where she needs to be. The hospital is called Mary Greeley. Ma needed to talk with a Mary somebody else whose last name begins with […]
Dancing at Lagoon
Once upon a time I was a clogger. For reals. That happened in my life. It was kind of fun until summer rolled around. My teacher liked giving us as much exposure as possible while also teaching us to perform in different kinds of settings. This meant that along with the normal recitals, we also […]
An Aunt Megan Blanket for T Dawg
This is my nephew T Dawg. Oh, and that’s my sister. My sister has four kids. I accidentally started the tradition of giving them all Aunt Megan blankets. I was practicing my double crochet and changing colors and I ended up with two blankets. I didn’t want them so I sent them to G Man […]
My Best Cos
I recently went to visit my best cos, Steph, in California. It was a super quick trip. Ma and I rolled out of bed round about 3:30 am and were on the road by 4:15. That’s my favorite way to do quick trips. You feel so super awesome when its finally 9:00 in the morning […]