Yes, it is happening. I’ve already put in my first day’s writing. I’ve got a good 2,208 words written of the 50,000 I need to win. According to, if I continue writing at a rate of 2,208 words per day I will finish on November 23. Being ahead of schedule is precisely where I […]
Category: Stuff I do
Twelth Night
I pulled out one of my cold weather coats and a warm pair of gloves last night. I spent two hours sitting in a park and it got cold. I knew as I was pulling out my coat that I would be one of the few dressed so warmly. (And by the few what I […]
Reading in French
Reading in French is tedious. I don’t actually know French, which necessitates frequent word look ups. It takes a very, very long time. I’ve come up with a new strategy which probably actually isn’t new and I ought to have realized it was a thing and implemented it a long time ago. I’m reading the […]
National Doughnut Day
June 7 is National Doughnut Day. There’s only one way to celebrate National Doughnut Day: eating hordes of doughnuts! Lucky for me, I have the bestest Big Brother with the coolest fam, and they were up to the challenge. New baby Mr. A is not pictured. He’s a little small for doughnuts. Also, I’m pretty […]
Utah Shakespeare in the Park: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
I made it! I went to see Utah Shakespeare in the Park perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was so much fun. I’m glad I made time for it. Lindsay B., one of my brave companions from last time, came along. M.C. was going to come, but was too sick to make it. We did […]
My Best Cos
I recently went to visit my best cos, Steph, in California. It was a super quick trip. Ma and I rolled out of bed round about 3:30 am and were on the road by 4:15. That’s my favorite way to do quick trips. You feel so super awesome when its finally 9:00 in the morning […]
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Sundays. Sometimes I’ve wondered what it is that I like about Sundays so much. Is it all the time I get to spend with my family? Is it the long, leisurely walks? Is it Sunday afternoon naps? Whatever it is, I love me some Sundays.
Today is Wednesday. That means yesterday was Tuesday. Do you know what Tuesday means? Ballet. And hobbling. But the hobbling isn’t important now. just the ballet. No, I am not a ballerina. Ballet and I had a brief, slightly painful relationship when I was young. Very young. As in we skipped around the gym in […]
The day the neon-colored snowflakes come down from the windows is unquestionably one of the most tragic days of the year. Maybe you’re one of those people that believe brightly colored, amateur paper snowflakes only belong on the windows of those with small children and that such things should be removed from sight as soon […]
About a week before I turned 24 (a month and a little bit ago) I began working on a list of things I wanted to do while I was 24. Four weeks later, I made myself focus on my list and have now finally finished it. Drumroll please . . . The list! Read Harry […]