This I love. I believe very deeply everybody has the potential to love reading. It’s simply a matter of time and finding the right reading material to step them into the world of written stories. After all, we’re tied together by stories. We entertain ourselves with stories, keep each other up to date through our […]
Category: Uncategorized
My Life According to Pie
This is how I spent my time yesterday, from midnight to midnight. Not such a bad day, eh?
I’m a Monday Lover and You Should Be, Too
It all comes down to energy, really. Potential energy. Potential energy, simply put, is the energy stored in a system. Science mumbo jumbo, right? Let’s try this. Think of a spring. If you push on a spring, you are exerting energy to compress the spring. The spring can uncompress without you helping it to do […]
The Nightmare Corner
There’s a corner in my room. It’s a nightmare. A triple nightmare since it’s really three corners. See, like this: Like I said, triple nightmare corner. Do you know what happens in a nightmare corner that is really three corners? It grows stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Stuff you’ve never seen before, stuff that […]
In Which the Little Brother Plans a Two-Year Hiatus
This is the Little Brother. It’s a universal truth that he’s the coolest kid around. Not to mention debonair. He made a decision recently. A big decision. He’s going to spend two years serving the Lord. It was just yesterday when he came home and found this waiting for him on the table. Now, if […]
Birds and Boulders
I should be getting about 55-60 grams of protein. That is a lot of protein when you consider that I’m not much of a meat eater. I can go a couple weeks without eating any kind of meat and not notice. There’s some things you ought to know about protein. Protein is important because it […]
I heart sprinkles. As in I think anything is better with sprinkles. The flavor of a cake donut and its frosting doesn’t matter much just as long as it comes with sprinkles on top. I would rather have a cupcake decorated simply with sprinkles than with a piece of fruit, chocolate pendants, or fondant whatever-it-is-you-think-is-cute. […]
I know, I know, I’m supposed to be studying. Or sleeping. That would be nice. I walked past the family room on my way to refill my study cup with ice and water. My brother and sister-in-law were watching The Colony. I need to get me some after-apocalypse skills cause I’m pretty sure I would […]
I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be studying. Untrue. I’m supposed to be at the symphony. I ditched the symphony so I could study. I’m not studying. I’m here instead. Don’t worry; it’s only a small break in my studies. In about another hour or so I should be done with the […]
I’m doing something a little bit crazy. I’ve been thinking of laser hair removal longingly for quite a while. I’m the all or nothing sort of person so it was either shave my legs only when it was absolutely necessary (once every two to three weeks in the summer; not at all between the months […]