I’ve been working on becoming more fiscally responsible. Yawn. But not really. I kind of love being able to read the finance section of the newspaper and understand what it’s talking about. More than that, I love feeling good about the financial decisions I’m making in my life. The crazy thing about learning about any […]
Southern Utah and Arizona
This is how I spent last week. Don’t worry. I didn’t fall in. I went with my parents, my very pregnant sister, the Big Brother and his two oldest girls, the Middle Brother and his two oldest girls, my cousin and his cute wife, and my uncle. We went to Zions, the Grand Canyon, and […]
A Slew of Baby Burp Cloths
Perfect for little boys. Kelly Belly and I, we got skills.
How the Ma Tricks the Dental Hygienist into Singing Her Praises
Setting: Dentist’s office When the scene opens Ma is sitting on a brown leather couch cleaning out her purse. Door between waiting area and back offices opens. Dental Hygienist: Miss Ma? Ma: I have a confession to make. Dental Hygienist: Oh? Ma: I never floss. Dental Hygienist: You never floss? Ma: Never. Dental Hygienist: Well. […]
Wrong Number
My koko (pronounced goo-coo), aka grandmother, is in the hospital. They’re struggling to discover just what is wrong with her. She hasn’t felt well for a while. She is definitely where she needs to be. The hospital is called Mary Greeley. Ma needed to talk with a Mary somebody else whose last name begins with […]
I noticed the time on my personal computer is still set for the eastern time zone.
And suddenly I was homesick. It’s been about three years since I moved from Virginia to Utah, but in that moment when my computer told me it was 5:08 instead of 3:08, I missed living in Virginia as intensely as I did the first few days after moving. And then I realized I wasn’t homesick […]
Dancing at Lagoon
Once upon a time I was a clogger. For reals. That happened in my life. It was kind of fun until summer rolled around. My teacher liked giving us as much exposure as possible while also teaching us to perform in different kinds of settings. This meant that along with the normal recitals, we also […]
I Should
Recently, I’ve been paying attention to when people say I should. Noticing it in other people has led me to realize how often I say it myself. At least a few times every day I use that phrase, whether I’m talking to other people or to myself. “I should empty the dishwasher,” “I should go for […]
National Doughnut Day
June 7 is National Doughnut Day. There’s only one way to celebrate National Doughnut Day: eating hordes of doughnuts! Lucky for me, I have the bestest Big Brother with the coolest fam, and they were up to the challenge. New baby Mr. A is not pictured. He’s a little small for doughnuts. Also, I’m pretty […]
My year of no spending is taking a toll.
I left the library today with a single book. I don’t know myself.