I’m signed up to begin my masters degree in instructional design sometime soon here. It’s a two-year program. I’m hoping to get it done in one. I’ve begun stopping at my local Harmon’s each night before work to make myself a cute, little salad with all my favorite salad things so I can eat it […]
My Morning
I’m staying in Park City this week with my family. Park City is slightly closer to work than home is. I showered last night after a fabulous dip in the pool. That, combined with the shorter drive, meant I didn’t have to get out of bed until about the time I usually leave for work. […]
The 500 top-selling paperbacks at Barnes & Noble are 50%! What’s that? I should probably put that money in savings instead of purchasing more books that I don’t have the shelf space for? . . . Investments! It’s all about making the right investment decisions for you, right?
Queen Creek Olive Mill
Who knew there was an olive grove in Arizona? Who knew!? I am obsessed. I want to be there. I want to ‘stroll the olive grove’ and ‘tour the mill.’ I want to taste all the fabulousness that an olive grove in Arizona has to offer. I want to, at the very least, join the […]
The Russian
Kelly-belly has recently acquired a Russian. Judging by the ring on her finger and the dress hanging in her closet, I think he’s going to stick around for a while. I’m all in support. They are good for each other. And there’s no question Kelly-belly is ready. I told her so myself just the other […]
Book 17
Dearest Cherilee, Thank you, thank you, thank you for this book. How did you know I’ve been looking at it since it first hit B&N’s New Releases shelf. (Not gonna lie, I think I was mostly attracted by the fabulous cover. How could I not be? Look at those beautiful books!) The story was fabulous. […]
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Sundays. Sometimes I’ve wondered what it is that I like about Sundays so much. Is it all the time I get to spend with my family? Is it the long, leisurely walks? Is it Sunday afternoon naps? Whatever it is, I love me some Sundays.
Book 16
Loved. I love each book by Sarah Addison Allen more than the last. I can’t wait to read this one. I find her writing whimsical but very real. And her books are full of the everyday magic I see all around me.
Lindsay B.
Lindsay B. is one of my favorite’s on my list of fabulous people. She has this amazingly awesome hair, is always up for an adventure, and likes to try things just for the heck of it. She helps me keep a fresh perspective on life. Lindsay B. recently made a list about some of the […]
Countdown to Awesomeness
I am an expert at the art of countdown. I count down to everything: the beginning of a semester, the end of a semester, Mondays, my morning alarm. Most of the time I can’t help myself. Most of the time, I see a calendar or a clock or some other countdown device and my brain […]