I’ve been struggling. With Happiness. It is strange. I used to have a fabulous relationship with Happiness. We used to hold hands and skip through the rain and slide down moonbeams into pots of marshmallows and chocolate chips. Lately, it seems like I don’t know Happiness at all. It seems that Happiness never has time […]
Sharing the Apple Love
I received this email from a coworker today: RE: Fruit? I require it. Desperately. I’ll buy some from you at a premium price if you happen to have any. In order of preference: pear; grapes; apple; something else. My camembert and crackers are crying out. Unfortunately (for him, not so much for me), I had […]
My Date with the Drugged-up Disaster
Ever tried internet dating? Me neither. Well, I mean, I didn’t mean to try internet dating. It just sort of happened. It all began on a slow Thursday afternoon. You have to watch those Thursday afternoons. They’re wily, little boogers. It went like this. Fabulous Friend: I found a man for you.Me: I’m boycotting men.Fabulous […]
Strawberry Cake
I’ve been trying to get Ma to join a CSA for years. No exaggeration. We love fresh produce and go through a lot of it. We also enjoy trying new things and finding new recipes. It seemed like a great idea. Fresh produce for less, all of it locally grown and picked just for you […]
Books 13-15
Like. I’m not into war books, but I enjoyed this one. Okay. A little strange. Points for creativity. This author’s style is not one that I particularly enjoy. For me, there was no emotional connection to the characters. Not my fave.
Cinnamon Apple Crepes
This. This was going to be a fabulous post on the cinnamon apple crepes I made for breakfast the other day, with delicious cinnamony apples baked to the perfect doneness and vanilla cream cheese filling and the caramel syrup I made to go over the filled brown sugar crepes. It was gonna be good. Probably […]
Girls’ Night
Last night was a girls’ night. Me, my mother, and my sister, Kelly-belly, hung out. We didn’t do anything epic: delicious food, funny movie, hanging on the couch. But there is something so fabulous about doing nothing with the people that make you you. I wouldn’t trade those times for anything. Thanks Ma. Thanks Kelly-belly. […]
Book 12
Interesting read. I saw a lot of my own high school experience and the things I thought about it in this book. Her explanations for why things are they way they are made sense. Sad, though. Sad that is the way it is for so many people. They deserve better than this. All of them […]
I told my mother today that ballet has done one thing for me: proven beyond a doubt that I have absolutely no balance. Her response: Yeah, I know. Oh you do, do you? Thanks, mother dear, for your kind words and loving encouragement.
Today is Wednesday. That means yesterday was Tuesday. Do you know what Tuesday means? Ballet. And hobbling. But the hobbling isn’t important now. just the ballet. No, I am not a ballerina. Ballet and I had a brief, slightly painful relationship when I was young. Very young. As in we skipped around the gym in […]