This morning, I woke up to my alarm. It’s been months and months since I’ve used an alarm for anything other than special occasions. I’ve been relishing sleeping as long as my body thinks it needs to. Even without an alarm, I was always awake before 8:00 am and usually before 7:00 am. It’s been beautiful.
The time has come to wake earlier. The sun brightens the world, the birds sing, and I should be out running.
Last night I obediently set my alarm for 5:30. It only took a moment of consciousness for me to realize what an awful idea I’d had. I pulled myself out of bed, ate a quick, very small breakfast, and drove myself to the local exercise studio where I trade front desk shifts for workouts.
I yawned through the entire workout. It was strange to be pushing myself hard enough that I felt that it wouldn’t be possible to finish the set with 5, 4, 3 more side twists or pulses or tucks without exploding my muscles while at the same time yawning so hard my jaw creaked and my cheeks were uncomfortably stretched. I spent the entire time hoping the teacher wouldn’t notice my yawns, decide I was bored, and amp up the workout.
The good news is I got to put two quarters in my jar. Yes, I pay myself spending money for working out. I rock.