The Summer Things

I have all the goals. I can’t help myself. The year goals, the month goals, the week goals, the day goals. And always, always, always the summer goals.

Summer has always felt like a time of doing as well as a time of not-doing. How these two coexist in my mind, I couldn’t say.

The Summer Things

  • Read the books
  • Use the summer CSA produce
  • Take nine credits of classes
  • Work through my craftsy, machine quilting class
  • Machine quilt the finished quilt tops (three toddler size, two crib size, one twin size)
  • Make the napkins
  • Write a book of essays
  • Travel Utah
  • Install my two ceiling fans
  • Put up my cake stand shelves
  • Build boxes
  • Paint the garage
  • Figure out how to feed myself lunch and dinner
  • See the Grassroots Shakespeare productions
  • See the Tuacahn musicals
  • Eat the popsicles
  • Bask in the sunshine
  • Do the yoga

There is one thing I want to make sure I’m not doing this summer: stress buying all the things is out. Things to watch out for particularly:

  • kitchen things
  • fabric
  • cake stands
  • supplies
  • tools
  • organizers
  • office things